Posted by: Kristin | May 8, 2011

mulch for Mother’s Day

Well, hello, summer-like weather. We’ve missed you. But I think we all agree you came on a bit too strong this weekend. The almost 90-degree weather was a little more than we bargained for.

Of course, that didn’t keep any of us, Kona included, from spending lots of time outside enjoying it. Turns out, it was prime mulch munching weather – as demonstrated below – for the pup, while Alex and I spent most of yesterday doing yard work. (post continues below)

Despite becoming a panting mess and looking for shade within a half hour of lounging in the sun, Kona insisted on being outside anytime she had the chance. And when we took her out for her first bathroom break today, she decided it was a prime opportunity time to stretch out in the grass and refuse to come inside.

But all that time outside made for one tired pup inside. She’s been an angel. So we treated her to a romp (dragging the long lead, essentially “off leash”) in the park this afternoon. She obeyed like a champ and stayed nearby the entire time. Best of all, we found a HUGE pile of mulch. (post continues below)

Even though it’s Mother’s Day, yes we’re those people who consider themselves pet “parents,” it was probably one the best gifts Kona could ever imagine. With that in mind, I hope all the mothers reading this post have the chance to enjoy their very own “mulch pile” today!

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